About Us

Leadership Team


Wildlife and Habitat Roundtable

In 2023 the Colorado Bear Coalition became one of the newest members of the Wildlife and Habitat Roundtable.

The Roundtable exists to build open communication and a working relationship between CPW and Colorado’s non-consumptive wildlife users on issues such as those pertaining to the state’s wildlife populations and habitats, as well as non-consumptive use patterns. It is built on the assumption that open, frank, and respectful dialogue is the key to identifying common priorities, finding potential collaborations, cultivating productivity, revealing areas of conflict before lines are drawn in the sand, and ultimately protecting the state’s natural heritage.

The Roundtable is co-managed by CPW and the non-consumptive user  community. It is built so that information will flow in two directions:

From CPW to the Roundtable (WHR) community representatives who will pass it to their respective communities, on topics such as management strategies, scientific research, perspectives of other constituencies, legislative updates, emerging concerns, etc.

From the WHR community to CPW, providing a conduit to the agency for grassroots information and ideas such as observations of wildlife population changes, challenges facing parks, conservation workplans, habitat impacts, suggestions for and reactions to CPW proposals, support for certain CPW initiatives after discussion, and through appropriate processes. 

The Roundtable will also provide a forum for the various organizations and individuals within the nonconsumptive wildlife user community – who are quite diverse and may not communicate, much less agree, on all issues – to improve communication amongst themselves.